Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog 15: Who was Marie Curie

Marie Curie- was born in 1867 in Poland to Piano player and Teacher Bronsilawa Boguska and mathematics and physics professor, Wladyslaw Sklodowski. She became a governess at the age of 18 putting her younger sister in school, only if her sister promised to return the favor, which she did. She went traveled to Paris to follow in her father’s footsteps, studying mathematics, physics and chemistry at the Sorbonne; it was there where she met the man she would call her husband Pierre Curie (

Marie and Pierre work alongside each other and become the first to work with polonium and radium; Marie actually named polonium after her home country Poland ( Pierre was very concerned with the physical properties of polonium and radium, so Marie and one of Pierre’s pupils Mr. Debierne were able to accomplish this difficult task. The Marie received her doctorate in 1903 and in the same year the Curies were awarded the Nobel Prized for their work with radium along with French Physicist Antoine Henri Bacquerel ( A few years down the road she received yet another Nobel Prize in 1911 in Chemistry for her extensive work with radioactivity, becoming the first women to ever receive a this honor and the only person in history to receive two (

Unfortunately she died of Leukemia due to years of exposure to radiation. She to me is the most remarkable women because she discovered the use of radiation as a form of treating cancer; she saved a lot of lives in her time and continues to save lives, because of her discovery she opened the door for more advance methods of threaty cancer. Although, radiation has it’s negative affects it gives those suffering with cancer hope and because of that she will always be remembered and anyone who has ever cancer should thank God for giving her the talent and thank her for using it. This accomplishment was not easy to come by as we have learned through this course, science and medicine was a male profession, women were not recieved with open arms. She accomplished alot in her time and I am glad I have this knowledge now.

One other cool fact was that she was the person who coined the phrase “radioactivity” Absolutely amazing!!


Marie Curie - Biography". 11 Dec 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Protect YoSelf cont'd

Here is a quick video of what I describe about self-defense, this lady is really awesome we need to follow here lead and be confident and strong.

Protect Yoself Ladies!!

Here are some ways that will help women have confident over their attacker:
  1. ARM YOURSELF: There is no reason why females should be afraid of a gun, having a gun can be the difference between life and death. If you are simple oppose to having a gun carry a knife, an if you do not like knife either than carry pepper spray. Here are some of my suggestions for pistols and knief, because I am a be advocate of the 2nd Amendment right!!

Kel-Tec PF 9, is the smallest, the lightness and the flattest 9mm pistol ever made and is ideal for females with self defense in mind. Women can now carry a pistol will the big bang behind it with out the big size, and it barely has any recoil to it.
This Ti-lite, is one of the fastest deploying self-defense knives on the market. It is very sleek and light weight you won't even know its there until you need it. Below is a quick video showing you how fast it deploys.
2.  Get Training:  It is important to that women know how to defend themselves with or with out a weapon, if you do decided to have a weapon, one must be prepared to use it and be confident in their ability to fire, stab, spray if necessary.  If you do not have a weapon and you are attacked, then it is very important that you know where and how to hit your attacker. A lot of instructors will tell a women, that is being choked to to try  and hit the arms of the attacker or get the attacker hands from around the neck. What you should do is go for the ears or throat first. If you are being choked  and your hands are free raise both hand and with alot of force smack both ears, make sure you hit them simultaneously, this will disorientate him, at that time with all four fingers aim for the throat, this will definetly get him to release his grip.

3. Be aware of your surrounding: The most dangerous mistake females make everyday of their life, is not being aware of their surroundings, especially at night. When you are exiting a building be looking around, for anything and anyone suspecious. Try never walking around in a parking lot by yourself at night, ask a co-worker to walk with you.

4. At the Bar:  Please, Please ladies whatever you do, do not leave you drinks unattended, if you do buy another drink never ever drink it after you have left it alone.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Blog 13: Send them to treatment!!

This is my personal opinion which is supported by doctors as well, that it would benefit not only the individual that is incarcerated for illegal drug use, but tax payers as well to just send the offender to mandatory rehabilitation. I say this because more than likely the individual will obtain drugs once inside prison; therefore worsening the addition and lessening that person’s chance of being freed of their addiction.

In News Week article a Doctor by the Name of Josiah Rich, visits prison near R.I. and Providence to treat those who are locked up for drug abuse. He himself feels that the American prison system is failing to rectify the individual’s addiction.

In the U.S. prison system there are 2.3 million inmates, half of the prison population are there for drug related reasons (Carmichael). According to the article in News Week, individuals who have been jailed for drugs have proliferated since the early 1990s, in 2007 there were 197,700 arrests (Carmichael).

Our justice system is not seeking to rehabilitate these people, but to simply punish them, "out of sight out of mind. What happens when these people are released from prison, they can go back to using, if they are not already using will locked up.

Moreover, If they do not want to provide treatment to benefit the abuser, how about to benefit themselves? The U.S. justice system can stand to save money by sending the offenders to rehab. How much can they save?  A whopping amount of "47,000 per inmate"(Carmichael), jeepers creepers that is a lot of moolah. I think the tax payers of America would prefer to rehabilitate them than incarcerate them.
Carmicheal,Mary. “The Case for Treating Drug Addicts in Prison” News Week on the web 26 November. 2010 <>

Friday, November 19, 2010

Blog # 12: Mental illness in the family

I found out that my uncle had bipolar disorder when I was in my sophomore year in high school; I did not really know how serious of a burden it was until after his death. I am not sure when he was diagnosed with BD, but I noticed all the signs of the mental illness, but I did not know he was actually sick I just thought he was a prick. He had these long periods of super high energy, overtly happy and fun, those were the days when I liked him and he was my uncle, then out of nowhere he would just turn in to somebody completely different.  I would want to go and talk to him, joke around and laugh about things and he would just ignore me act as if I was not even there, he looked and acted like a different person.

On day around 8 in the evening I was coming downstairs to grab a snack from the kitchen when I smelled something funny and I heard the microwave door shut. I walked into the kitchen and saw my uncle rolling up a joint. He would do the same routine every night before he went to bed, heat up the marijuana, lick the joint paper roll it up and smoke it while lying down in his favorite lounge chair. He would go and stay out for days, when he returned home he was different, my mother finally decided to have him admitted at mental institution for his safety. Since my mother and I had such a strong bound, whenever thing began to get rough she would come to me and tell me what was wrong, so it was that day she took uncle to the hospital when I found out that he was suffering from bipolar disorder and another type of mental illness that I cannot remember at this moment. He was released 2 weeks later and was put on medication, he did well for a while, but when he ran out of his medication he would have his BD episodes.

He was back to smoking drugs and staying out all night, one night he never came back. It was Late at night around mid-night I believe when 2 cops showed up at our door steps, I remember exactly what I was doing, my grandmother had woke me up to get her some tea, water and heat up her coffee, I was wearing a pink silk robe and a bandanna on my head, when I heard a knock at the door. I went over looked through the peep hole and saw that is was two officers, I ran upstairs and got my mother and she opened the door and let the two men in. They asked her do you know a Patrick Lawson, she said yes I do, that is my brother. Then they said ma'am I am sorry to have to tell you this but there has been an accident and your brother was involved, he was hit by a car when crossing the street, we believe he was killed on impact. I was in shock and in disbelief, I had no outward expression of emotion I was just silent, turned around and went upstairs to give my grandmother her coffee.
It would be two - three months after the accident before I found out what really happened. At the time of the accident everybody was looking for someone to blame, my grandmother blamed eldest brother for not wanting to drive him to where he would pick up his weed and my mother blamed the lady who hit him; until one afternoon when my mom picked me up from track practice and we started reminiscing about the good times, and the fun times we had with Patrick, and crying because he was no longer with us, it was that day when my mom told me why my uncle was dead. We pulled up into the drive way and she turned and looked at me and said "Patrick killed himself; he was trying to fight a lot of demons off. He came to me and told me he was thinking about suicide and apologizing for be  a burden" She told me that Patrick was getting worse up until that day, and that is when she notice something different about him, he was calm that whole day. She said she knew something was going to happen, but what she did not know. She said I believe Patrick stepped out in front of that care on purpose; it was no accident that he was killed.

Is that true I am not sure, but my mom was pretty confident that Patrick was ready to leave this world behind. I realize now two days before his death; he was reading his Bible a lot more and praying a lot more than usual. I did hear him ask God to forgive him for what he was about to do, but I did not pay any attention to it, now I wish I had, maybe he would still be alive, and then I think maybe it is a good thing that he is gone, he does not have to suffer anymore he is resting in Gods arms now, no more tears no more pain and no more worrying.  I also realize that he loved me, when I thought he hated me.

I learned that you could be completely energized and jubilant one moment and sad the next; also that it can take a toll on a person physically and mentally. It not only affects the individual, it affects everyone in your life. You know what I always wondered why he had a different job every 5 months and then there were periods where he would be out of work for more than 5 months. That would explain why my grandmother and mother were always sending him money when we lived in Atlanta, Georgia. He always had a hard time holding down a job. Wow I never realized the affects a mental illness can have on a person until I read about it this week, what an eye opener.

Rest I Peace Uncle Patrick, we love and miss you dearly tell Uncle Leon I said HI!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog # 11 Chronic pain in women

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder rather than a disease. Fibromyalgia cause widespread pain, it can affect a person physically and mentally. An individual with Fibromyalgia suffers from different tender spots across the body and the body has a problem with processing pain.
Symptoms (Pain)
·         Widespread pain
·         Shooting and stabbing pain
·         Profound muscular discomfort
·         Numbness
·         Burning
·         Tingling
·         The pain and stiffness and so on can intensify in the morning
Symptoms (Fatigue)
·         Extreme exhaustion
·         Lack of Stamina
·         Fatigue that is associated with Fibromyalgia has no relation the tiredness a person would feel after a long day, it can affect the functionality of a person, it can interfere with how a person conduct daily activities.
Symptoms (Sleep)
·         Fibromyalgia can also interfere with an individual’s ability to fall into a deep restorative sleep. “During sleep, individuals with FM are constantly interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity, limiting the amount of time they spend in deep sleep” (NFA, 2009).
Additional symptoms:
·         Individuals with FM will also experience, trouble remembering things and loss of concentration, dizziness, anxiety, sensitive skin, rashes and eye problems, ect,ect (NFA, 2009).
·         In the U.S. it affect approximately 10 million people and about 6 percent of the world’s population
·         It affects women 2- 3 times more than men, about 85 percent of women are affected by FM
·         Men and children of all ethnic background
·         It begins to develop in the adults between the ages of 20 -50
·         Incidents rises as people age by the age of 80, 8% of adults will be diagnosed with FM
·         Amongst families (mothers and their children)
·         There are no known laboratory tests that can be conducted to diagnose a person with FM.
·         The only known way to decide if a person has FM is to do a full physical exam. The patient must meet the American College Rheumatology (ACR) criteria of FM symptoms, which are:
a)       Patient medical history
b)      Self-reported symptoms
c)       Widespread pain in all four quadrants of the body for a minimum duration of three months (NFA, 2009).
d)      Tenderness or pain in at least 11 of the 18 specified tender points when pressure is applied (NFA, 2009).
However, Fibromyalgia can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms can be identical to those of other diseases.
What Causes Fibromyalgia?
·         There is no definitive cause for FM, but researchers have linked it to “Pain amplification due to abnormal sensory processing in the central nervous system (NFA, 2009).
·         Low levels of blood flow the thalamus region of the brain.
·         Some might be predisposed to it (genetics).
·         It might be cause by sickness or trauma to the body due to an accident.
How is Fibromyalgia treated?
·         Managing pain (Pharmaceuticals)
a)       Lyrica
b)      Cymbalta
c)       Savella
·         Sleep management
a)       Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning
b)      Go to sleep in a quiet environment
c)       No caffeinated beverages or sugar before bed
d)      Try not to eat before bedtime

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog 10: How does heart disease manifest differently in women than in men? Justify your answers with supporting documentation. What can you do now to prevent heart disease later?

When it comes to heart disease sex does matter; for instance, women experience heart disease differently than men because it is most likely to happen around the time of menopause and after (age 45-58), whereas men experience it earlier in life. The reason it affects menopausal women has to do with the amount of estrogen a women produces during this stage in her life, which is why some Doctors have said that HRT can prevent heart disease. Also women and men experience pain and symptoms differently.  Although the signs and symptoms of a "myocardial infarction (heart attack) is relatively similar in men and women, some symptoms are more prevalent; such as, "Shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, back and jaw pain....

Some women may not even be aware they are having a heart attack" (Jones, Barlett pg. 280-281). Women are also much more likely to suspect it to be something else other than a heart attack. I believe this is why mortality rate is higher in women than in men, they ignore the signs and do not get treatment as soon as the symptoms start or after. It is also known that women will die within five years of their first heart attack.

Women will recover from strokes faster than men because women use both sides of their brain where as men predominantly use the left side. So if a stroke occurs on the left side of the brain it can be pretty devastating, but women will be able to use the unaffected part of her brain to re learn language and so motor functions.
Alexander, L.L., LaRosa, J.H., Bader, H. Garfield, S. (2010).Dimensions in womens's health. (5th ed.0 Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reality of Bulimia

This a taste of what you will see in my blog assignment in the discussion board, in the cybercafe slot titled blog # 9: please watch. please read and watch it is important information, if you have a friend or family member that is suffereing with ED you should notify someone, EDs can be fatal. No one should face something like this alone there are others out there and you are not alone in the fight. I am one of them!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

GLOBAL WARMING: The Menopause Song

 I know Menopause is a big change in a females life, but we have to laugh to keep from crying I felt that this was very funny, and important to post to lighten up the mood a bit.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog# 8 Menopause & HRT ( threw a little story in)

I found this weeks reading to be much more interesting, for some odd reason. I guess reading about the changes a females body goes through between the ages 45-55 (Menopause) was quite interesting. I believed my mother started having the syptoms of menapause in her early early mid 40s and thought" wow! isn't that kind of early" I never put two and two together, but my mother is a smoker and she has had 5 children me being the 4th child. The text read that "smokers generally experience menopause about two years earlier thatn nonsmoking women" (Jones, Barlett, pg. 209). I always told my mother smoking is not good for ya, but she never listened. So I decided to ask her today what was it like and what is it like living with menopause? She told me that at this very moment she was expericencing cramping, bloating, hot flashes, mood swings and irritability, she is PMSing and going through menopause cuncurrently. It is not pleasant for anyone to be around her, on top of that she lost her mother this year and her copping level has decrease dramatically. She is more depressed and cannot handle things the way she use to. She told me a funny story about a night where she went to bed burning up and woke up in a cold sweat; the funny part was the events that took place.  She told me " I had just arrived home from work and was tired and proceeded with my normal evening routine. Joke with everyone, put some food in my stomach said goodnight to my grandchildren and head up stairs to my bedroom. I got into my nighties and flip on the tv and relaxed, about 25 minutes later I started to burn up, I turned my fan on  that sits on my night stand, hoping that would help a bit, but it seemed like it was fueling the fire. So I began to take of one piece of clothing after another, until I was butt naked. I finally felt some relief sprawled out across the bed and went to sleep, I am not sure how long I was out for, but  I woke up in a cold sweat freezing my behind off, and thought to myself " why am I naked and put every piece of clothing I took off back on and went to sleep" I found myself laugh for a good 30 minutes everytime I looked at her. I guess it is not nice to laugh because that could be me in a few years.
So I decided to share with her today what I had learned from the readings. I passed on to her ways that she could control her symptoms or relieve her symptoms. First of all my mothers eating habbits are horrible, I told her that if she changed up her diet and exercise would help improve her health in through out postmenopause. So I tried to use this to get her to become a vegetarian," if you eat more fruits and veggies, the symptoms will not be as bad", I know it is wrong I am always trying to convert someone. I rarely ever see her eat vegetables, an occastional fruit here and there, but nothing of real substance. The text said that if you eat enough" fruits,vegetables,whole grains and low saturated fats and cholesterol"(Jonas, Barlett, pg. 217) it can improve ones health. I even got her to start doing some yoga and mild cardio with me, and some weight lifting her and there. I am always concerened about my mothers health because she has alot to deal with.
I wanted to get my mothers oppinon on HRT, but she said she has never even considered it.
What is HRT? HRT stands for  Hormon Replacement Therapy, and now a days many women are choosing to get it to eleviate the syptoms of  Perimnopause and Postmenopause.  Like every other drug out there FDA aproved or not comes with its pros and cons. When I read that going through menopause can cause urinary tract infections and burning during sexual intercourse I was shocked to find out such things could happen to a females body at this stage in life. I heard that sexual drives goes away after a certain age, but I did not know it was becaue of Menopause. So after hearing about the benifits of HRTs I could not see why anyone would not want to participate in it.  "HRT provides relief from many symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and related symptoms, hot flashes ,night sweats... as well as vaginal atropy and dryness"( Jonas, Barlett, pg. 214); also preventing urinary tract infections. There is always a BUT, estrogen therpy alone can cause cancer of the uterus, also if a woman has a history of diseases they put themselves at risk of having a "Stroke, venous thrombembolism and demntia" (Jones, Barlett, pg. 214). It is so hard to make and educated decision when there are so many variables to look at.
I just look at Menopause as a natrual occurance, therefore let nature take is course it will be over soon "By age 58, 99% of wmen are postmenopausal" tough it out right? I say that now, but I will just have to wait until it is my turn to experience the CHANGE.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog # 7: HPV

I first have to warn you that the images you will be viewing on this blog are quite disturbing.

I decided to discuss Human Papillomavirus (HPV) because I a friend of mine contracted the virus.

First I will begin with HPV. A close friend of both my fiance and I daughter contracted HPV with her first sexual experience. I remember the mother telling us "my daughters life is over, now she can never have a healthy sexual relationship with another man at the right time. This is going to haunt her for the rest of her life. What am I to do now?" When I heard this I though the same thing her sexual life is over, she should have waited until marriage. But at this time I really had no idea how serious HPV was I barely knew what it was and how it was transmitted.

What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?
  • a.k.a Genital Human Papillomavirus
  • One of the most commonly STI
  • More than 40 types that can effect the genitals of both male and female, it also can affect mouth and throat.
  • The infected could be ignorant of the virus for years, until they have symptoms.
  • It has two distinct forms "High-risk" and "Low-Risk"
How is it HPV spread and Who does it affect?
  • It is known to be spread through sexual intercourse (Genital-skin-to-genital-skin contact) (Jones,Barlett 2010, pg. 185).
  • It can be contract during vaginal and anal sexual intercourse or during oral sex
  • Same sex partners are can get it as well, it is not bias nor sexes. Most sexually active persons will contract HPV in there life time
  • One can spread HPV with no evidence of be infected, that is why it is important for everyone who has had more than one sexual partner to be tested and to have physical exams on regular basis.
  • It is rare that a mother who is pregnant with a child to pass it to the infant during childbirth. In a circumstance such as these, the infant could develop JORRP " Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis"(CDC).
  • Both male and female can be affected by this.
  • It is also possible to get more than one type of the virus (HR & LR), but "HR cannot turn into LR and vice versa" (Jones, Barlett, 2010, pg. 185).
How to prevent it and How to treat it
  • Gardasil is a vaccine approved by the FDA, protects people against the two strains HR & LR of HPV. These two strains together  causes 70 % of the reported cases of Cervical Cancer and 90% of genital warts (Jones, Barlett, 2010, pg. 185)
  • If vaccine and screening team up HPV and Cervical cancer could be eliminated.
  • There is no cure,  but the symptoms can be treated.
  • Visible genital warts can be treated with medication or some decided to let the warts disappear on their own.
  • Abnormal Cervical Cells  will become normal after a while, but they might turn into cancer. If it continues then "Laser ablation,cold coagulation and cryotherapy (freezing) treat just the part of the cervix that contains abnormal cells" (
  • Use condoms, although male condoms are not 100% not even 99.5% sure to prevent it. It is know that female condoms are more affective. The best way to prevent the spread of HPV is to abstaine from sexual activity.
         I am not a fan of vaccines or medicine because I believe that the side affects can cause more problems then the actual symptoms, however if you are sexually active with more than one partner it is advise to get screened and you should get the vaccination. The CDC advises that girls are 11 and 12 years of age should be vaccinated and females between the age of 13 to 26 who have not received a full vaccination. Gardasil is administered in a series of 3 injections in a 6 month period. The Vaccine is very effective and can prevent you from suffering from HR (high risk: can cause, Cervical dysplasia which could result in death and  cervical cancer) and LR (low risk: genital warts, and cauliflower like warts around the anus) strain of the virus. The only sure way of know that you have HPV is by having a DNA test done of the actual virus, it is 100 % effective at diagnosing HPV than a Pap Smear. HPV can be spread even without any signs, so the best method of prevention is screenings and abstain from sexual activity
         I pray that my friends daughter is getting the help that she needs. The mother has expressed that her daughter feels dirty and undesirable now, knowing that she can never really feel comfortable being sexually intimate with a man anymore is taking its toll on her.

I was going to post some photos, but I could not bring myself to post them, they are just to much for me and I am usually not squeamish.  So I will just post milder photos and some other images related to HPV.
HPV can cause Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, which could cause warts to appear in the throat
This could be treate with surgery or medication

Low Risk HPV:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog 6: 10 questions for an expecting mother

Can I still exercise and if so how long?
Yes you are still allowed to work out during your pregnancy. However, you will need to modify the work out. You do not want to introduce a new routine into your workout and you do not want to work out in hopes of losing weight. The best work out for pregnant women is yoga, walking, swimming and light aerobics. I prefer yoga; there are many prenatal yoga videos in circulation. It is important to use prenatal yoga if you are completely new to yoga, because certain poses are dangerous to the health of both the mother and child. Asanas (poses) that involve you lying on your back is advised against after the first trimester; inverted Asanas are prohibited for pregnant women because of the growing fetus and the possible risk of drop in blood pressure. Avoid backbends, headstands, shoulder stands, arm balances, and standing balancing poses unless you are using the wall or chair for support, a female’s balance is altered in the second trimester because the center of gravity starts to change. You should limit your work out to about 30 minutes a day and avoid Bikram yoga a.k.a hot yoga, elevated body temperatures can prove dangerous to the health of mother and child.

What is the best sleeping position?
A.    You can sleep on your stomach during the early part of your pregnancy, but it will prove very uncomfortable for you, long before you can hurt the baby. The reason why it is possible for a female to sleep on her stomach in the early stages of pregnancy is because the uterus is still tucked behind the pubic bone.
B.     The best position to sleep is on the left side, this will reduce blood flow issue. You want to make sure that the baby is getting enough blood and nutrient to the placenta and the baby. Lying on the back is very uncomfortable because of the growing fetus pressure on the lungs. If you are experiencing heart burn while lying down you might want to consider using a pillow to prop yourself up.

Should I stop having sex once I am pregnant?
A.    Yes Sex is still an option; some couples have sex right up until the water breaks. You it is not possible for the penis to reach the baby although some might think. Your partner will not be able to harm the baby because of the strong amniotic sac and the thick mucus that is produced sells the cervix’s; therefore, shielding the baby from infection.
B.     There are perks to having sex during pregnancy; sex is actually heightened because of the large blood flow, which will cause the genitals to become “engorged” heightening the sensation, also much more vaginal lubrication can prove stimulating for both.
C.    However there is a downside to these changes, cramping in the stomach may occur after sex or climax, and your breast may be tender to the touch.

 I am not sure I want the baby, how much time do I have to decide on abortion?
It is best to get an abortion as soon as you find out if you are not keeping the baby, but abortion facilities will abort 15 weeks into the pregnancy some 24 weeks (partial birth abortion) the later you wait the more dangerous it is for you, and the results are much more gruesome.
Can I still travel once I am pregnant?
A.    Yes you can still travel well into your third trimester, but before you make in definite plans you must consult your Midwife or obstetrician. It is also wise to avoid traveling 7 or even a month before the due date, especially if you plan on taking a plane, some airlines might prohibit you from flying so close to the due date because they do not want the chance of someone going into labor in the air.
B.     Also, if you are caring twins, or have a history of blood clots it is also noted that one should not travel. If you are experiencing cramping or spotting you should postpone your trip and seek medical attention, most likely you midwife or obstetrician will rule it unsafe to travel.
What can I eat or drink that is safe for the baby?
A.    Obstetricians and Midwives will tell you to abstain from drinking caffeinated drinks; if you must drink coffee or tea make sure that it is decaffeinated. Some say it is safe to drink alcohol, but just a small amount can cause FAS (fetal Alcohol Syndrome). This will cause facial deformations, and mental retardation.
B.     No raw foods, such as sushi, or raw vegetables. Everything you eat must be cooked and cleaned. Stay away from fish that is high in mercury such as shark meat, mackerel, and albacore tuna.
C.    Make sure you eat lots of grains, fortified ready-to-eat cereals, and Wheat germ. Lots of calcium for healthy bone and teeth growth for the baby, preferably, not fat or low fat milk.
D.   Eat lots of fruit, melons, mangoes, prunes, red or pink grapefruit, Avocados… Also eat a lot of veggies, spinach, carrots, sweet potato hmmm, cooked greens and red peppers.
How many calories should I consume a day?
Pregnant women should consume at least 100 calories than normal during the first trimester, then in the second and third trimester around 300. You want to reframe from dieting (just eat smart) it is a myth that you need to eat for two; you just need to make sure you are getting enough nutrients for both of you. To make sure you are eating enough talk to your midwife or obstetrician.
 How much weight is normal to gain?
 For an average woman 25 to 35 pounds is advised and normal, but for an overweight    pregnant woman, 15- 25 pounds is safe too much can result in pregnancy related diabetes, for an underweight woman 25- 35 same as an average woman.
 What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?
It is false labor pains; they are not like real contractions because they do not “increase in frequency, intensity or duration.
 Do I have to drink a lot of milk to produce milk?
The answer is no, eating a lot of grains, veggies and fruit will aid in the producing of milk.

Alexander, L.L., LaRosa, J.H., Bader, H. Garfield, S.  (2010). Dimensions in women's health. (5th Ed.).  Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Mother-in-law: Cathy Van Hoose (medical field)
Sister-in-law: Krystal Kyle (2 children, and she used a midwife)