Friday, December 3, 2010

Protect Yoself Ladies!!

Here are some ways that will help women have confident over their attacker:
  1. ARM YOURSELF: There is no reason why females should be afraid of a gun, having a gun can be the difference between life and death. If you are simple oppose to having a gun carry a knife, an if you do not like knife either than carry pepper spray. Here are some of my suggestions for pistols and knief, because I am a be advocate of the 2nd Amendment right!!

Kel-Tec PF 9, is the smallest, the lightness and the flattest 9mm pistol ever made and is ideal for females with self defense in mind. Women can now carry a pistol will the big bang behind it with out the big size, and it barely has any recoil to it.
This Ti-lite, is one of the fastest deploying self-defense knives on the market. It is very sleek and light weight you won't even know its there until you need it. Below is a quick video showing you how fast it deploys.
2.  Get Training:  It is important to that women know how to defend themselves with or with out a weapon, if you do decided to have a weapon, one must be prepared to use it and be confident in their ability to fire, stab, spray if necessary.  If you do not have a weapon and you are attacked, then it is very important that you know where and how to hit your attacker. A lot of instructors will tell a women, that is being choked to to try  and hit the arms of the attacker or get the attacker hands from around the neck. What you should do is go for the ears or throat first. If you are being choked  and your hands are free raise both hand and with alot of force smack both ears, make sure you hit them simultaneously, this will disorientate him, at that time with all four fingers aim for the throat, this will definetly get him to release his grip.

3. Be aware of your surrounding: The most dangerous mistake females make everyday of their life, is not being aware of their surroundings, especially at night. When you are exiting a building be looking around, for anything and anyone suspecious. Try never walking around in a parking lot by yourself at night, ask a co-worker to walk with you.

4. At the Bar:  Please, Please ladies whatever you do, do not leave you drinks unattended, if you do buy another drink never ever drink it after you have left it alone.


  1. Hi,
    I believe this post is very informational. I never even considered carrying something to protect myself. I personally am too scared to carry the gun and I'm not sure if I would be able to utilize the knife as quickly as I should, and I have a feeling knowing me, I would end up spraying the pepper spray in my own eyes. However, I really enjoyed the video you posted on your following post about self-defense. I think that was a great short clip about the many ways to fully use your own body strength and adrenaline to get away from an attacker. I feel liek this would be the best method for me to use. This was a great post!

  2. Very informational. I am also a bit scared of carrying a gun. My husband and I have agreed to disagree( for now) about having a gun at home.. But I have always been a knife chick (lol)..

    I will carry a knife. I thought of a getting a Taser but I am about 99.99% sure I would taser myself.. The Ti-lite is best for me right now but I will be keeping the Kel-Tec PF 9 in mind.
