Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog # 2 Health care privliege or right?

      Unfortunately, to be able access health care or decent health care you have to be among the privileged. Our founding fathers said "Endowed with unalienable rights, among them, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". In order to have all that our founding fathers intended us to have, affordable health insurance is a necessity.  The creation of the 8th amendment only guaranteed one group of people the right to health care and that is the humane treatment of prisoners in the U.S. I believe that physical and psychological health care is a human right, not only limited to the people in America, but people around the world.In American people are force women are force to choose sub par health coverage like HMO, which is very limited in what health services they will cover. Most will wait until the climax of their illness and to go see a doctor at that point their health is so far gone, the expenses are even higher, because the their primary sickness could have caused other complications, which leads to more medication that they cannot afford, and in return and lead to death.
    Poverty around the world is the leading cause of poor health, thousands or people are dying in India from curable illnesses; only the rich in India are given exceptional health care buy well known doctors, because the government only spends 8-10% GDP on health care a year.   In Africa women are force to die from HIV/AIDS, because the poverty level in southern Africa is so high, and women are so low in status, that if  both spouses have the virus the man is the one who will receive it because he will be able to take care of the children, but the wife would not because should would receive no help from family or government and the land would be taken from her. 40% of children in Africa will die from HIV/AIDS because the way wealth is handed out, the rich will receive the majority or health care.

  So is health care are right or a privilege, health care is should be a right, but only the rich receive the best.
Sources used:
Alexander, L.L., LaRosa, J.H., Bader, H. Garfield, S. (2010).Dimensions in womens's health. (5th ed.0 Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett.

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